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 Embrace exists to create healthy environments to mentor our youth through love and acceptance as students are given hope and freedom in Christ.
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                                                  Mentorship – Support – Outreach
                   A highly trained, prevention focused mentorship team to embrace  
                   our youth building trusting relationships through many  environments and resources that provide the support they need while meeting them where they are.
Mentorship - Weekly in-house workshops to develop and celebrate various talents and improve self-esteem. Weekly bible study and student leadership mentorship creating interactive worship experience using many forms of art. Weekly worship developed through the mentorship of our student leaders with small group time with our adult mentors.
Support - An app that connects to youth, offering daily support and affirmation, a tool for youth to be able to have an ongoing dialogue about their needs. Professionals that are in-house to provide counseling, anti-bullying, holistic health coaching, and other supports with deferred cost. Partnered with the North Oakland Community Coalition to connect to prevention, support and recovery resources that go beyond what we offer.
Outreach - Pep assembly workshops with team teaching approach focusing on issues students face and connecting them to key leaders in Embrace. Creating teaching materials and resources to reach out to churches and youth ministries to strengthen them to further reach more students.
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